Advertise with Island Dog

Island Dog Magazine is a free quarterly publication that reaches kamaaina dog owners on O‘ahu with an entertaining look at Hawaii dog culture. It’s local, relevant, fun and informative.


Since 2008, Island Dog Magazine has published quarterly in February, May, August and November. Our distribution of 20,000 reaches more than 40,000 Island Dog owners—pet parents who seek out our magazine at select Safeway, Don Quixote, Times and Longs stores, as well as from veterinarians, pet retailers, pet care people, training and service professionals, and other dog-loving establishments.

Island Dog can also be found in the permanent collection of the Hawaii/Pacific section at the main Hawaii State Library and at the University of Hawaii-Manoa Library.

Our distribution channels are robust and we have a very low return rate of less than 2%, guaranteeing that Island Dog Magazine is read by A LOT of local dog owners.


Our friendly digest-size publication is highly sought after and has high residual value. Many of our loyal readers collect Island Dog. The most often heard response about our magazine is that people “read it from cover to cover.” Besides all the great information and fun, readers look forward to seeing interesting products in advertisements and our Gifts & Sniffs spreads. They get involved by sharing photos of their dogs in our popular Da Kine Canine Photo Gallery. Hard to resist and always amusing.


Island Dog has a high retention rate of over 90% among advertisers. We work hard to make your investment pay off as an indispensable resource and reference for dog owners. Island Dog is committed to the welfare of dogs and supports local animal rescue and service organizations. It is our hope that Island Dog Magazine will educate dog owners to be responsible, compassionate and to honor the unconditional love of our remarkable canine companions.

To reach dog lovers with your marketing message, please email us at:

We will work with you to develop the most effective marketing strategy to reach Island Dog’s pet parents.

Advertising Rates & Production Specs

Island Dog Magazine celebrates the joy and love of “da kine canine.” Introduce your store, product or service to new or existing customers who are loyal, stable and local.

Dog owners are committed to their pet’s health, diet, shelter, exercise and play. They need to buy the products and services that make this commitment possible. And they are growing in numbers. Oahu is home to over 200,000 dogs in more than 40% of Oahu’s households! Island Dog Magazine will be there to help guide dog parents’ choices with timely articles that are sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, but always informative and building a sense of community. And always with lots of pictures of local people with their dogs.


Prices are discounted $50 for 2 insertions and $100 for 4 insertions.

Full page $1200, 2X: $1150, 4X: $1100.

1/2 page $700, 2X: $650, 4X: $600.

1/4 page $450, 2X: $400, 4X: $350.

All rates subject to Hawaii state sales tax.


  • Trim Size: 5.375”w x 8.375”h
  • Binding: Saddle stitch
  • Print & Distribution Quantity: 20,000


Full page: 5.375w x 8.375”h.

Full page with bleed: Build to trim size (5.375”w x 8.375”h) and extend bleed .125” beyond trim on all sides (5.625”w x 8.625”h).

Safety Margin for copy, logos, etc.: .375˝ from top, bottom & sides to account for the vagaries of bindery.

1/2 page: 4.75˝w x 3.875˝h.

1/4 page: 2.3125˝w x 3.875˝h.


PDF/X-1a files preferred with the following:

  • All fonts embedded
  • CMYK color space
  • 300dpi resolution
  • Pantone colors converted to CMYK
  • Include crop marks

Also accepted: Photoshop TIFF or EPS files minimum 300 dpi at actual size used, images flattened and saved with no compression.

PC Publisher files are not accepted.

Ads submitted with incorrect ad sizes or file formats will be returned to the advertiser for resubmission. Island Dog will not be responsible for improperly prepared files.

For further information or questions, please email: